
Appreciating Iowa after Colorado

Appreciating Iowa after Colorado

September 30, 2015 at 11:22 am 0 comments

When I tell people that I moved to Iowa from Colorado they give me a look and say, “Why would you move to Iowa?” My answer is always the same: Family. A look of understanding makes its way across their faces and they move on, satisfied with my reply. IRead More

There is more to Africa than poverty

There is more to Africa than poverty

May 1, 2015 at 10:27 am 0 comments

I watched a video on globalization and its not-so-good effects in developing countries in my anthropology class the other day. The countries featured in the video were Thailand and Senegal, West Africa. Senegal shares a border with my country, The Gambia. Which means, we are basically the same people. WeRead More

Where one story ends, another one begins

Where one story ends, another one begins

May 1, 2015 at 10:26 am 0 comments

About nine months ago today, I started a new chapter in my life and moved away from home to start college. I left home with the aspirations of doing something in my life that mattered and something that I could look back on and be proud of. I spent mostRead More

Live each day to the fullest

Live each day to the fullest

April 17, 2015 at 10:07 am 0 comments

If there is one subject we wish not to talk about, “death” wins hands down. Whenever death is brought up at any place or time, it changes the mood almost immediately either by design or default. We tend to picture darkness, loss, and end. It reminds us of the reality,Read More

I will bleed cardinal and gold in the fall

I will bleed cardinal and gold in the fall

April 3, 2015 at 10:36 am 0 comments

                  I’m going to Iowa State University in the fall. That’s right, I’m jumping on the Iowa State bandwagon and not because I want to see the amazing basketball team (even though they are good), but for other good reasons. I’m double majoring in management information systems and journalism. MyRead More

When you see "24" coming my way, please send it packing

When you see “24” coming my way, please send it packing

March 11, 2015 at 11:20 am 0 comments

I have always been on the bandwagon of “age gracefully,” “age is a beautiful thing.” However, I find myself dreading the number 24. Why? That is because I will be turning 24 May of this year. No, I’m not crazy, “it just a number,” I’m aware of that. I usedRead More

Follow Up Treatment of Animals Story

February 27, 2015 at 10:27 am 0 comments

In the last edition of the paper, I wrote an article about how animals are treated in the food industry. Unfortunately, the article got a lot of negative feedback. In response, I decided to write this article, to clear things up. As I said in the article, my source wasRead More

Living on your own is a struggle as an international student

Living on your own is a struggle as an international student

February 27, 2015 at 10:27 am 0 comments

How much is your future costing you? Well, mine is costing me so much as it is already. The first requirement was crossing the Atlantic ocean to come to the U.S. This was a major change considering the fact that I had to leave my family behind and learn toRead More