Archive for October, 2013

Best of DMACC 2013

Best of DMACC 2013

October 30, 2013 at 11:03 am 0 comments

Help us find the Best of DMACC in our 1st annual Reader’s Choice Awards. Click Here to vote for your favorite.

Poinsettias grow in the thousands in the green house behind Building 4. The plants are adolescent, but will be ready for sale by the end of November. Photo by Anna Duran.

Horticulture Club: It’s more than just watching grass grow

October 30, 2013 at 10:10 am 0 comments

By Miriah Masching. DMACC Horticulture students strive to create the best looking plants, not only for a grade but also for their upcoming plant sales. The sales coincide with harvest times in the green houses, which are in fall, winter and spring. The mum sales just ended, and now theRead More

Home is where the food is

Home is where the food is

October 30, 2013 at 10:03 am 0 comments

By Avis Allen. The time has come for sweatshirts, flannel pajamas, football, and glorious comfort food. Close your eyes and think of home, wherever that may be. I am the youngest of thirteen children. We all know how to cook, but there is absolutely nothing that compares to my Mother’sRead More

Passion for collegiate fashion

Passion for collegiate fashion

October 30, 2013 at 10:00 am 0 comments

By Olivia Herr. The Bookstore and the Student Activities Council partnered to put on “Passion for Colligate Fashion” Wednesday, October 9th in the commons area in Building five. Volunteers gathered to present the show by coordinating outfits, organizing models and poses, as well as creating hair and make up looks.Read More

Daniel Little and Aly Benoit pick apples together during a family outing at the Happy Apple orchard earlier this season. Photo by Megan Miras.

Happy Apple brings families together

October 30, 2013 at 9:57 am 0 comments

By Megan Miras. She is the apple of my eye, and words cannot express the joy I felt watching my daughter eat an apple to the core while searching for more perfect apples. She grinned from ear-to-ear holding her apple in one hand and steadying herself with the other whileRead More

Staff Editorial: We need a fall break

Staff Editorial: We need a fall break

October 30, 2013 at 9:49 am 0 comments

Can you feel it? Malaise? Fatigue? Disinterest? These are all adjectives we of the Chronicle staff have used to describe how we’re feeling about school at this point in the semester. We all feel – we ALL feel – that we could use a break. We started wondering why weRead More

Opinion: Technology in the classroom shouldn't be ignored

Opinion: Technology in the classroom shouldn’t be ignored

October 30, 2013 at 9:47 am 0 comments

By Mike Kelsey. In today’s world, technology plays a major role in everything we do. Technology is ever-evolving and for it to continue to expand, it is important that our youth have experience using it. There are many school districts in our nation and around the world that use technologyRead More

Opinion: Good people at DMACC come to my rescue

Opinion: Good people at DMACC come to my rescue

October 30, 2013 at 9:45 am 0 comments

By Alex Payne. If you were to ask me a week or even four days before going to print this issue what I was going to do for my column I would have told you something totally different. Over the last week things for the staff here at the ChronicleRead More