
Staff Editorial: We need a fall break

Staff Editorial: We need a fall break

October 30, 2013 at 9:49 am 0 comments

Can you feel it? Malaise? Fatigue? Disinterest? These are all adjectives we of the Chronicle staff have used to describe how we’re feeling about school at this point in the semester. We all feel – we ALL feel – that we could use a break. We started wondering why weRead More

Opinion: Technology in the classroom shouldn't be ignored

Opinion: Technology in the classroom shouldn’t be ignored

October 30, 2013 at 9:47 am 0 comments

By Mike Kelsey. In today’s world, technology plays a major role in everything we do. Technology is ever-evolving and for it to continue to expand, it is important that our youth have experience using it. There are many school districts in our nation and around the world that use technologyRead More

Opinion: Good people at DMACC come to my rescue

Opinion: Good people at DMACC come to my rescue

October 30, 2013 at 9:45 am 0 comments

By Alex Payne. If you were to ask me a week or even four days before going to print this issue what I was going to do for my column I would have told you something totally different. Over the last week things for the staff here at the ChronicleRead More

Opinion: Confederate symbol not harmless

Opinion: Confederate symbol not harmless

October 21, 2013 at 8:00 pm 0 comments

By Anna Duran I’ll qualify myself as a Yankee. I’ve lived in Iowa my entire life, but my whole paternal family resides south of the Mason Dixon. I know as much about Southern hospitality as I do Midwestern modesty. My culture is represented often in symbolism. Symbols in culture areRead More

Opinion: Confederate Flag is Rebel not Racist

Opinion: Confederate Flag is Rebel not Racist

October 21, 2013 at 6:53 pm 0 comments

By Alexandria Roth. In the middle of all the government shut down drama, another issue has arisen. Last week Michael Ashmore of Hooks, Texas, waved a Confederate flag in front of the White House at a demonstration. He was rebelling against Obamacare. The Confederate flag that we’re familiar with todayRead More

Opinion: Video games present a potential danger

Opinion: Video games present a potential danger

October 9, 2013 at 11:05 am 0 comments

By Ann Voight The issue of media violence and its impact on people has been hotly debated in recent years, with each side having compelling arguments defending their case. One argument is that the more one regularly sees and engages with the violent images, the more likely one is toRead More

Review: New Life Singer's "Captivate"

Review: New Life Singer’s “Captivate”

October 9, 2013 at 10:57 am 0 comments

By Alex Payne A new album captured my attention recently that has been great to listen to when I need something to help me through a stressful day. The members of Grand Canyon University’s New Life Singers released their album “Captivate” on September 12, 2013. The album is uplifting contemporaryRead More

Opinion: DMACC should reconsider use of Blackboard

Opinion: DMACC should reconsider use of Blackboard

October 9, 2013 at 10:50 am 0 comments

By Alex Payne Professors and instructors here at DMACC seem to be in a love affair with an online learning program called Blackboard. Unfortunately all of them seem to have a different relationship with the program. As I log onto Blackboard I am overwhelmed with a large number of notifications.Read More