Post Tagged with: "DMACC"

After split with Liberal Arts, SEMSS moves to Building 9

After split with Liberal Arts, SEMSS moves to Building 9

February 4, 2019 at 12:38 pm 0 comments

When students step into the main entrance of Building 9, they may wonder if they are in the right place. Where vending machines and a glass display case stood last semester, students will now find renovated office spaces for the brand new sciences division. Plans were laid to make BuildingRead More

Sarah Bogaards (editor)

Opinion: A case for arming DMACC security

November 28, 2018 at 12:20 pm 0 comments

One day during my junior year of high school, I was in Mr. Hammerand’s chemistry class when there was a lockdown drill. “We are in lockdown. We are in lockdown,” the secretary announced over the intercom. For the drill we sat behind lab tables for about 10 minutes. However, beforeRead More

Zaire Swaby

DMACC Men’s Basketball draws from: Iowa, Delaware…England?

November 28, 2018 at 12:17 pm 0 comments

College is normally a place of great diversity, where  students can choose what they want to learn about in class as well as in experiences outside of class. Students come from many different high schools and backgrounds to learn together and meet people that have had different upbringings than whatRead More

Sarah Bogaards (editor)

Iowa Education: Community colleges falling behind in per-pupil state funding

November 28, 2018 at 12:08 pm 0 comments

The original legislation that founded community colleges in Iowa was introduced in 1965 by Senator Jack Kibbie, and tuition was a mere $25-30 per credit hour according to Jim Stick, dean of liberal arts at DMACC. Since then, Iowa’s community colleges have expanded and become invaluable assets to the healthRead More

Starting on a high note: DMACC's new music director James Thompson

Starting on a high note: DMACC’s new music director James Thompson

November 28, 2018 at 11:51 am 0 comments

Interested in completing a music program here at DMACC? Don’t fret. DMACC’s new Music Department Chairman James Thompson plans to compose the now-minor music education program into a major transferring opportunity. After finishing his degree in Doctor of Musical Arts at the University of Iowa in 2013, Thompson had theRead More

'Ghost Bike' is an emotional ride

‘Ghost Bike’ is an emotional ride

November 28, 2018 at 11:40 am 0 comments

In “Ghost Bike,” the underworld came to life; but it was reinvented, Chicago-style. This contemporary production was visibly influenced by Chicago bike culture as well as ancient mythologies. The play largely follows Ora after her best friend Eddie is hit by a car while riding his bicycle. Just before theRead More

Photo by: Bailey Perkins

News Briefs, October 31, 2018

October 31, 2018 at 9:04 am 0 comments

Report of sexual assault at Campus View DMACC students, faculty and staff received email notification of an alleged sexual assault that took place the morning of Sept. 21 at Campus View Apartments, the complex located adjacent to Ankeny campus. The email, sent by Jay Tiefenthaler, Director of Energy, Safety andRead More

Photo by: Bailey Perkins

Update: DMACC administration considers arming security

October 31, 2018 at 8:47 am 0 comments

The motion to arm security on campus, specifically in Buildings 5 and 9, has not moved forward yet, according to Jay Tiefenthaler, director of campus security at DMACC. “Currently we are still in the evaluation phase,” Tiefenthaler said about the proposal. He said he would like to see more studentRead More