Student ready to film on campus

By: Brandon Greubel.

Ruby Crisp, an honors student at the Ankeny DMACC campus, is filming a murder mystery movie as an honors project for her film class during the summer semester. She is writing, producing, and directing the film herself, though she will not be acting in it.

This is Crisp’s first film. The project began as a script for an honors project and Dr. Alan Hutchison suggested to Crisp to push it through the DMACC theater to make it a play. The script was written in the format of a film, so Crisp wanted to see it through and make it a film.

Crisp has been unsuccessful at finding an actor to play one of the characters, the murderer, and it is hard to make a movie without actors, but Crisp put a notice out in the DMACC Daily and is in the process of interviewing students to find the best candidate to act in the film.

Crisp will hopefully be hosting a pre-filming party to get the news out and let people know about the film and that it will be unveiled at the end of the semester. For the unveiling, Crisp will be hosting a premiere party on the DMACC Ankeny campus, hopefully on the last day that classes are being held during the summer 2013 semester.

In the movie, Grace Souvoures is the unfortunate victim of murder. Fabianna Broadbow is the FBI detective assigned to detail her case. Joshua Kinkade is the former assistant for Grace, and Bronson Van Lowen was previously Grace’s business partner.

“Leadership for putting out a film takes a great deal of work, a lot of phone calls and a lot of dedication to the project,” says Crisp

Crisp is hoping to use locations such as the Ankeny DMACC campus and the hotel Pattee in Perry, Iowa. She is also hoping to borrow a few cars from a local car lot to set as a backdrop for one of her filming locations, which is a mansion.

Writing the script alone took all of fall semester with Hutchison making a lot of edits to the storyline to make it more cinematic. Crisp hopes filming will be done in June to give them enough time for editing, which can be a long process.

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