Language professor starts writing her ‘third act’


By Drew Brown

DMACC will say goodbye to a talented English Professor this year. Professor Bonne Doran started teaching here at DMACC in 1994. Over the years she has taught many different classes.

Doran has taught all composition courses such as Composition 1 and 2, developmental writing, and college prep. Her other classes were American Literature, Introduction to Literature, Interpersonal and Small Group Communication, and Fundamentals of communication.

“I really like the variety,” Bonne said.

Doran was born in Willoughby, Ohio. She moved to Texas where she got her Ph.D. in Rhetoric and a master’s degree in English, both at East Texas State.

DMACC was the only job offer she had in 94, so she moved to Iowa and has loved it ever since.

“Iowa is a lot like Ohio, I think that is why I like it so much,” Doran said.

Doran’s last semester she teaches introduction to literature, and she tutors in the Academic Achievement Center to end her day.

Doran likes to motivate students, let students enjoy learning, and watching them learn the material.

“I like the one on one interaction with the students. It gives you the opportunity to teach. You can tell if their understanding the material and tutoring is a very rewarding process,” Doran said.

Doran’s experience here at DMACC has been a very positive one.

“Administration is very supportive,” Doran said.

“Being a professor is a lot of labor but I’ll miss being here, the students, and my friends,” Doran said.

Doran plans on spending her time traveling to see her two sons, writing fiction, and volunteering for pet therapy. Doran hasn’t been published yet, but in her time of retirement Doran hopes to get her fiction stories published.

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