Other News

DMACC mobile soon to be optimized for eazier access by Brandon Greubel

January 30, 2013 at 2:28 pm 0 comments

  Ever wish you could get to your DMACC email using a mobile device in a timely fashion? Well, that day is coming! As of now, you have to go to the DMACC mobile site, then go to the full site, and then finally be given the option to logRead More

The Rec Center is here to fil all your New Year’s resolution needs by Kim Felder

January 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm 0 comments

In the beginning of the year, many people try to stay fit. That is one New Year’s resolution that everyone wants to achieve, and many people do not stick with it for long. What most students don’t know is that DMACC has a recreation center that can help students stayRead More

Flu hits hard this season by Jarrett Quick

January 30, 2013 at 2:20 pm 0 comments

DMACC, as well as the rest of the country, has seen a more severe flu season this year compared to past seasons. This year’s flu has caused Boston and New York to declare states of emergency among increased positive cases and a vaccine shortage in some areas. This year’s fluRead More

Lost and Found: Treasure Trove of Goodies By: Ryan C. Meier

January 30, 2013 at 2:15 pm 0 comments

At some point in your DMACC career, if you haven’t already, you will lose something. Be it in a computer lab, classroom, gym or dining area of Building 5, when you are done with your business, you will get up and leave something behind. However, what some students don’t realize,Read More

Building 1 remodel to begin in the spring, staff to be displaced by Anna Duran

January 30, 2013 at 2:06 pm 0 comments

Get ready to really learn where things are on campus. A major renovation of Building 1 is set to temporarily scatter the staff and faculty located there. The remodel is expected to begin in early March and be completed by the start of the spring term of 2014, taking approximatelyRead More

School Shootings, How Prepared is DMACC? By Alex Payne

January 30, 2013 at 1:58 pm 0 comments

  School shootings across the country have kept students and school security officials looking for the best way to prepare faculty, staff and students in case of an emergency. 2012 was one of the deadliest years on school campuses, which left 41 people dead. These types of attacks have leftRead More

DMACC and Grinnell sign historic education agreement by Joseph Provenzano

November 28, 2012 at 11:08 am 0 comments

The Student Articulation Agreement between DMACC and Grinnell is an historic first for the private college.  Signed on November 1 by DMACC President Robert Denson and Grinnell President Raynard S. Kington, the agreement is a commitment between the two schools to further education and part of a national movement amongRead More

Soldiers tell their story by Lacey Harrison

November 28, 2012 at 10:57 am 0 comments

Seven current and former members of the military spoke to an audience at DMACC Tuesday, Nov. 8, as part of The Telling Project: Des Moines. “Telling: Des Moines” is part of a national theatrical effort called The Telling Project, Austin, Texas. The performance is a combination of a play andRead More