Other News

Retirement Series: Terry Luloff

Retirement Series: Terry Luloff

March 15, 2013 at 9:13 am 0 comments

By: Drew Brown Terry Luloff is a retiring math professor here at the Ankeny campus. Luloff got his bachelor’s degree for mathematics at Wartburg University, and his master’s degree in education at Drake University. “You never know what is going to happen in the classroom. It has been said varietyRead More

Opinion: Importance of print fading

March 15, 2013 at 9:08 am 0 comments

By: Drew Brown You see it at every convenience store you go to on Sundays, huge variety of newspapers on the shelves. These include the Sunday paper, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, local registers, and many other ads. All this paper usage equals to a lot of paper waste. HowRead More

Opinion: Print has a purpose

March 15, 2013 at 9:07 am 0 comments

By: Joe Provenzano We sit at a precipice, with technology ready to take us over the edge so we no longer need the conventions of the past.  Newspapers struggle to make ends meet as society moves online or to TV.  Publishers are moving more toward print-on-demand to eliminate surplus booksRead More

Retirement Series: Bradley Dyke

Retirement Series: Bradley Dyke

March 15, 2013 at 9:05 am 0 comments

By: Ryan Meier For many who retire, it can mean moving to a warmer climate and relaxing. For professor Bradley Dyke, he will be returning to a slightly warmer climate: Kansas City. “I didn’t realize how much colder it was in the wintertime up here,” Dyke said. Dyke moved toRead More

Review: “Becoming America” at the DMACC Huff Theater

March 13, 2013 at 10:41 am 0 comments

Jarrett Quick Staff Writer When I first sat down for the performance of “Becoming America” at the DMACC Huff Theater, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had been to a few other plays put on at the Huff Theater, but this was the first I went to having noRead More

Cheating remains an issue

Cheating remains an issue

March 13, 2013 at 10:12 am 0 comments

By Jarrett Quick Staff Writer Cheating has long been a problem in academics. From a recent cheating scandal at Harvard which involved over 200 students to a student copying a paper at DMACC, cheating has remained an issue for students and faculty alike. This issue has been especially common asRead More

DMACC students go on to make it big as writers

DMACC students go on to make it big as writers

March 13, 2013 at 10:11 am 0 comments

By Nevin Cornwell Ever wonder where your education at DMACC will lead you? Ex-DMACC students have gone on to take jobs around the world in dozens of fields, including writing. Bob Eschliman has been the editor at the Newton Daily News for eight months. During his 14-year career as aRead More

DMACC History Part III

March 13, 2013 at 10:08 am 0 comments

By: Alex Payne In this final part of our series on DMACC History we will look at the future of DMACC including possible expansions in Knoxville and Waukee along with a look back on the 2000s, 2010s. The 2000s brought expansions and major innovations, which would make DMACC stand outRead More