My new perspective on parents

Taylor Burns (Managing Editor)

I remember a specific night when I was in middle school. I was freaking out on my parents, literally throwing a tantrum about something so stupid.

I was on the floor crying and screaming, and I remember looking up and they were just kind of laughing at me. It’s embarrassing to think about now and a night I never want to relive.

I would say my relationship with my parents wasn’t great in middle school, just because I had a terrible attitude. I had a decent relationship with my parents throughout high school, but as I’ve been in college, I think I’ve had a newfound respect and great relationship with my parents.

College is crazy because for 13 years you’ve been living at home with your parents getting and doing almost everything for you, so when you actually get to college, you’re left in the dust, having to do everything they would’ve done, by yourself.

I’ve needed some help with finances, classes, housing, etc., really anything that I’ve never had to do by myself before, while living in Ankeny.

It’s hard because I’m trying to be an independent college student. But when businesses love taking away your money, I’m not sure how to fend for myself, so I have to ask them for help, which isn’t ideal because they have done so much for me for the first 13 years of my life.

It’s been a lot harder being away from my family. Way harder than I thought. I am a pretty independent person, so I think I do okay on my own.

They’ve really been helping me so much with things I need. That’s not the only reason I feel like I have a better relationship with them, though.

But because its easy to take things like your family for granted when you see them everyday.

This might sound bad, but I never necessarily looked forward to seeing them everyday when they got home after work because I did see them everyday.

Now, I miss them when I’m gone for weeks on end, granted I’m only 40 minutes away, but still, gas is expensive.

I wish I could put into words about how thankful I am for how much my family has helped me out over the past six months.

I watched a video about an influencer who saved up enough money to buy his mom a car, then later bought his family a house. I aspire to be like that and so giving and selfless that I would buy my family a house and have enough to repay them for everything they’ve ever done for me.

I am so blessed to have the relationship I have with my parents and family. High schoolers who have taken their family for granted and who can’t wait to get out of the house, THAT WAS ME, and those who went to my high school know it. I was so ready to get out of there, but being in college has taught me to love more and thank more, and I don’t think I could ever express my love and thankfulness enough to my family.

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