Letter from the editor By Nevin Cornwell

The Campus Chronicle staff would like to welcome everyone back to another semester here at DMACC. A big welcome it is, with over 10 people contributing to the paper this semester. It is a big jump from fall, when only two people were in the class and a handful of work study students contributed.

Speaking of work study, there is always room for more in The Campus Chronicle office, and always some money to be made. If you are eligible for work study or interested in journalism, news writing, photography, graphic design, or cartooning, please feel free to stop by our office in Building 5 and ask for Andy Lanager, the faculty advisor, or myself. We encourage anyone to stop and say hello.

If you don’t have time to work for the newspaper but have opinions, story ideas, or photos to share, you can email us at chronicle@dmacc.edu. Volunteering has no requirements or restrictions; just stop by or email your work and it could make the paper. The Campus Chronicle is a student-run paper and we want it to reflect the student body and cover issues that concern DMACC students.

The student newspaper is a great outlet to let your voice be heard, and the students on staff and myself as Editor in Chief have the final say over what we choose to run, or not run. If there is a big issue on campus that you don’t think is being covered then let us know, or submit a letter.

This semester we have a social media team that will be spending more time posting to The Campus Chronicle Facebook page, Twitter, as well as Tumblr. We will also be announcing some exciting contests that everyone can enter to win some free stuff, so be sure to like us Facebook, facebook.com/thecampuschronicle, and follow us on Twitter, @dmaccchronicle.

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