March 22, 2017 at 10:45 am 0 comments

The 2017 Literary Arts Festival is April 3rd-5th. Noted fiction and poetry writers will be coming to the six DMACC locations. Each writer has a different experience and brings a different perspective to the literary field. DMACC students can listen to these published writers speak about their works and learnRead More

Q&A with Kyle McCord

Q&A with Kyle McCord

April 3, 2015 at 10:41 am 0 comments

What are some of your literary works that you will be showing at the festival? I just had a new book come out this year entitled You Are Indeed an Elk But This is Not the Forest You Were Born to Graze. It features haunted swanboats, starstruck rodeo servants, andRead More



March 23, 2015 at 10:48 am 0 comments

Q: What does STEM stand for in your name? A: “Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.” Q: Since this club just started up what goals does this group have moving forward? A: “We are trying to catch the attention of other students so we can pass the torch and also weRead More

Q&A with Campus Fellowship

Q&A with Campus Fellowship

February 11, 2015 at 9:16 am 0 comments

Q: What is the club all about? A:“Campus Fellowship is a student body organization on campus that desires to know Christ Jesus and to make him known.” Q: When do you guys meet? A: “We meet on Monday Nights at 7 p.m. in Café Lounge, and that is large group.”Read More

Legendary TV anchor inspires younger journalists

Legendary TV anchor inspires younger journalists

May 2, 2014 at 10:09 am 0 comments

By Ndey Kumba Demba Ndey: I read from a background research that you joined KCCI’s production department while still in high school. Did you always know that journalism was a career you wanted? Kevin: I did know that and here is the reason why, both my mother and father wereRead More