
Ask Courtney

Ask Courtney

March 14, 2014 at 11:38 am 0 comments

  Dear Courtney, A friend of mine is taking an online class with me. He has decided that we should work on the assignments and quizzes together. It has turned out that I do all of the work and the assignments fall on me to complete both mine and his.Read More

Thoughts On the 2014 NFL Draft: TOP 5 Picks

Thoughts On the 2014 NFL Draft: TOP 5 Picks

March 12, 2014 at 10:45 am 0 comments

By Logan Lantz The 2014 NFL Draft begins on Thursday, May 8, and ends on Saturday, May 10. The teams with the top 5 picks include; The Houston Texans, St. Louis Rams, Jacksonville Jaguars, Cleveland Browns, and the Oakland Raiders. The first overall pick always comes with a difficult task.Read More

My first winter experience

My first winter experience

February 26, 2014 at 10:50 am 0 comments

By NdeyKumbaDemba. Like most African countries, tales about snow and how cold it gets in American is quite common. Some find it amusing, entertaining, and beautiful while others find it just irritating. I however find it the combination of it all. At first it is beautiful, amusing and entertaining but itRead More

The quarrels of a Patriots  football fan

The quarrels of a Patriots football fan

February 12, 2014 at 10:51 am 0 comments

By Logan Lantz Although the Super Bowl brought in an estimated $700 million for New York/New Jersey, the Seattle Seahawks are the true winners of the weekend. With Peyton Manning putting up unbelievable numbers all season long, especially against my beloved New England Patriots. He struggled like only one otherRead More

"My ideas were all wrong," and other thoughts from a DMACC grad-to-be

“My ideas were all wrong,” and other thoughts from a DMACC grad-to-be

December 4, 2013 at 9:46 am 0 comments

By Anna Duran. I’ve been attending DMACC for four years, and I get to leave in January. Needless to say, I’ve learned a few things. I started college in 2009 when I was 22. I had given birth to my second son, and realized I would not be able toRead More

This Article Was Suppose to Have a Title but My Partner Was too Lazy to Write It

This Article Was Suppose to Have a Title but My Partner Was too Lazy to Write It

November 13, 2013 at 9:50 am 0 comments

By Miriah Masching. Group project. One of the most hated phrases a student could hear, next to the test will be on… When a group project is assigned, at first excitement sets in, only half the work, half the time, but still all of the points. Group projects are meantRead More

Opinion: The ugly truth about Black Friday

Opinion: The ugly truth about Black Friday

November 13, 2013 at 9:44 am 0 comments

By Ann Voight. Thanksgiving: A time for forcing family together to explain why they’re thankful for everyone else. A time for eating lots and lots of food until you’re stuffed full and practically passed out from a food coma. This is the time for gathering around the TV and watchingRead More

Staff Editorial: We need a fall break

Staff Editorial: We need a fall break

October 30, 2013 at 9:49 am 0 comments

Can you feel it? Malaise? Fatigue? Disinterest? These are all adjectives we of the Chronicle staff have used to describe how we’re feeling about school at this point in the semester. We all feel – we ALL feel – that we could use a break. We started wondering why weRead More