Ask Courtney





Dear Courtney,
I have a little brother who keeps stealing my video games. It’s annoying and he keeps scratching them up then they don’t work anymore. What do I do?
Video Games in Ames

Dear Video Games,
Thank you for the question.  First of all, are there any volcanoes located in the vicinity of your house? If there isn’t, then your little brother may live to see tomorrow. Second of all, have you talked to your parents and explained why it is bothering you and ask that he stay away from your stuff? If they still don’t respect your wishes then can you buy a safe or a locking case to keep them in and keep your brother out? Sorry if I can’t be much more help than this, but that is what I would do if I were you.

Dear Courtney,
I am being forced to attend my best friend’s sister’s wedding, but I don’t want to go because weddings aren’t my thing. What do I do?

Weddings are for Losers

Dear Weddings;
First of all thank you for the questions. Now here’s what I would do. Talk to your friend, and let them see that you don’t want to go and you wouldn’t know the people getting married anyway. If she gets mad, offer to find her a date or something to take along with her. If the reason she wants you to go is because she’s lonely or wanting company then you’ve solved the problem. Assure him or her that if you had the choice you wouldn’t attend your own wedding. I hope this helps somewhat with your friend.


Dear Courtney,
First of all let me say that I am an avid reader of your column. Although I do need some advice. Last night, I may have gone out drinking with my brother’s best friend, and then we may hooked up after words. I am scared that my brother may be mad at me, and then he’ll hate me for the rest of my life because I ruined the friendship between him and the hottest guy that I have ever known. Do you have any advice for me?
The Scarlet Letter

Dear Scarlet  Letter,
Thank you for following my column faithfully. It means more to me than you can imagine that I actually have readers. Second of all, what is going on with the friend now? Is he refusing to make eye contact, or is he avoiding your house for no reason? Talk to him about what happened, and make sure you both understand the implications of what occurred last night between him and you. If it does mean nothing, just let it go and  try to return to life as you know it. If it does mean something, talk to each other! If you don’t,  then you may never know and things may be more awkward in the future. So even if you don’t know at least talk to him. As for your brother, confess to him what happened. The worst may be that he will never forgive you and totally write you out of his will, but apologize to your brother and promise to stay away from his friends, and assure him that this is the only time that this happened.  That is the most that I can say about, so hope this helps.

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