Archive for September, 2014

Something for everyone on "Lazaretto"

Something for everyone on “Lazaretto”

September 26, 2014 at 9:42 am 0 comments

The first thing I thought about Jack White’s album when picking it up off the shelf to purchase was, “I wonder why he always looks so pale in his pictures?” Does it have something to do with his name being White? Is it makeup? Perhaps a marketing ploy? There’s noRead More

A glimpse into the life of an RA

September 26, 2014 at 9:37 am 0 comments

Residence assistants are tolerated by some college students and appreciated by others. They are viewed differently at each of the three campus apartments. RAs are notorious for walking around busting parties, telling people to quiet down, and “ruin” everyone’s fun. They might be doing that, but an RA has otherRead More

College can mean fear, anxiety for new students

September 26, 2014 at 9:36 am 0 comments

Going to college for the first time can be scary: fear of people, fear of a new environment, even fear of failure. First year students Lai Pham and Mark Aaron say they fear people because they don’t know anyone. Aaron, who intends to transfer to Iowa state University to majorRead More

My summer home in The Gambia after a semester in the states

My summer home in The Gambia after a semester in the states

September 26, 2014 at 9:32 am 0 comments

One thing I have realized during the course of the summer break is that summers are more valued the U.S. than in my country The Gambia, West Africa. Summer in the states means a lot of things, which includes adventure, fun, letting lose, relaxing, trying out new things, work, andRead More

A simpler time

A simpler time

September 26, 2014 at 9:26 am 0 comments

So there is a new iPhone coming out soon, and it will probably be slightly better than the last model and cost a fortune. Still, that will not slow down hordes of people from rushing to the store and throwing down their money. All in an effort to stay currentRead More

Dr. Linhart offers advice for studies in sociology

Dr. Linhart offers advice for studies in sociology

September 26, 2014 at 9:25 am 0 comments

Sociology is becoming a rapidly growing field in our society. Many people seek it as either a major or a minor as they begin to plot their course for their future careers. I had a chance to speak to one of our professors here at DMACC, Dr. Laurie J. Linhart,Read More

Ask Allison: How do I stay on track?

Ask Allison: How do I stay on track?

September 26, 2014 at 9:21 am 0 comments

Dear Allison, I’m starting college this semester for the first time. I’m taking five classes, and I also work 20-25 hours a week. I can’t seem to get a handle on when to get my homework done so I can get it in on time. I’ve already turned in twoRead More