Let’s say you live in a town with two pizza places, and you need to help decide the future of this town, as only one pizza place can exist as of next year.
Your parents and your relatives say all kinds of things about one of the pizza places. Heck, years ago you were even a big fan of their family business. That pizza shoppe has a history of some good business in the past, but it’s been proven that they haven’t always been good people. They have some good ideas about how pizza can be done best but in the end one ingredient of the pizza that is at the core of the recipe, you can’t stand at all!
That pizza shoppe has a history of some good business in the past, but it’s been proven that they haven’t always been good people. They have some good ideas about how pizza can be done best but in the end one ingredient of the pizza that is at the core of the recipe, you can’t stand at all!The second pizza place when it moved in town a year or so ago, wasn’t your first choice by any means but has some good ideas about how to do pizza different than the first shoppe. They have never owned a pizza shoppe in the past. They have owned other restaurants and made their name in those other areas, and from what you can tell have done very well.
The second pizza place when it moved in town a year or so ago, wasn’t your first choice by any means but has some good ideas about how to do pizza different than the first shoppe. They have never owned a pizza shoppe in the past. They have owned other restaurants and made their name in those other areas, and from what you can tell have done very well. The management is known well in the community and known well in the whole area. They have some great ideas about how things could be different but you can’t get past that he can often be rude to customers and other people. Like with most successful business people, they have had mistakes in the past, but they seem to have more than their share. The one ingredient that the first pizza place uses in their recipes, this place disagrees with its usage completely.
The management is known well in the community and known well in the whole area. They have some great ideas about how things could be different but you can’t get past that he can often be rude to customers and other people. Like with most successful business people, they have had mistakes in the past, but they seem to have more than their share. The one ingredient that the first pizza place uses in their recipes, this place disagrees with its usage completely.
One additional thing about this pizza battle royale, is that has gotten your daughters excited about pizza especially about the first pizza shoppe. You think it’s great because you have always liked pizza but didn’t know if your kids liked it as much as you.Both pizza places do something that really bothers you, they are always talking about their competitors in all of their advertisements and don’t talk enough about how their pizza is the best. Why can’t they get to what really matters, making the best pizza possible, possibly making
Both pizza places do something that really bothers you, they are always talking about their competitors in all of their advertisements and don’t talk enough about how their pizza is the best. Why can’t they get to what really matters, making the best pizza possible, possibly making pizza great again?
If you have to choose between those two pizza places, as there really isn’t any other choices for pizza around, what do you do? I would choose not to eat pizza. Maybe in 4 or 8 years another option will come along, I just hope my taste buds aren’t ruined by then.
Pizza or Politics
Yes, this quick opinion piece wasn’t about pizza places in my town or in Ankeny.
It was about the presidential elections that are on so many people’s minds right now. I’m not excited about it honestly. When given two such choices that are in their own ways flawed, what do you do.
Some people say choose the one you dislike less. Other people say vote for the party platform you agree with most. And in the end, that’s probably the way I will go.