Playwriting contest: expressing your ideas and producing them By Lacey Harrison

Everyone has at some point enjoyed the results of writing and its actions and now could be your chance to produce it here at DMACC.

It is the 17th Annual Huff Theatre Playwriting Contest we have had here at DMACC. The contest is open to all students, the general public, and faculty.

Judges will rank each play they receive and the winning entries will receive production in the Spring Festival of Plays, April of 2013.

There is no limitation on subject matter but the play must be under 54 minutes. The main factor they look at is if it is easy to produce. For example, how many cast members they have and what kind of props they will need.

William Johnson, drama professor, is looking forward to producing as many plays as possible this year.

“I think two years ago we produced nine plays,” Johnson said.

When asked if he has seen a favorite play yet, he answered, “They’ve all been so different. They’re given no safety net and the work is done entirely by the students. If they mess up it’s their fault and if they do good it’s their success.”

Tom Deiker, play writer contestant, has written plays for the contest the past five years. “In the last five festival years, from 2009-2013, I submitted eight plays. Six of my plays have been performed over these five seasons,” Deiker said in an email.

Deiker’s play, “Betwixt,” a 10-minute ghost story (“I think one of us might be dead. Is it you … or me?”), will be performed at the 2013 festival.

When asked where he finds his inspiration for writing plays, Deiker replies with, “The endless variety of human behavior that surrounds us: exciting, inspiring, quirky, scary, unpredictable, heroic, kind, cruel, selfless, selfish, tragic and comical — all those churning emotions in each of us, and when you imagine any two of us in the same room, anything can happen.”

The deadline to submit scripts was November 6th. “There are four groups signed up already but that is a highly large number because normally people don’t submit until the deadline,” Johnson said.

Three years ago a student’s playwright even received national coverage. A student wrote a fictional play that was based off of real events of a court case. It was about two policemen that assaulted a woman. You can find more information about it in the DMACC Huff Theatre media guide.

If you would like to know more about Huff Theatre then you can find them on Facebook at

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