Pioneers book sale benefits students in need

By Ann Voight

As the saying goes, one should never judge a book by its cover.  However a shiny new cover certainly doesn’t hurt, and with the DMACC book sale, there should be plenty of new books to go around.

On 10/8 and 10/9, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the DMACC Pioneers, a group of retired faculty and staff, and Books Are Fun, a Reader’s Digest Company, are putting on a book sale.

Books will be sold to students at a discounted price in the Building 5 Student Lounge.  This year, there will be books from the following categories: New York bestsellers, children and early-learner books, cookbooks, and general interest—covering a wide variety of genres.

There will be stationary, scrapbooking materials, music, and educational toys and gifts—kits, like do-it-yourself hot-pad holders, activity books, and other learning oriented items.

According to Dr. Lyla Maynard, President of the DMACC Pioneers, the book sale happens twice a year and has been going on for the last ten years.

“The profits from the book sale will go to the Pioneer Scholarship fund.  This year, we awarded twenty-three scholarships in the amount of $1000,” Dr. Maynard said.  The scholarships are awarded to any eligible student who applies.

Maynard also said that some of the profits will go toward other student assistance programs, such as meal cards for the school’s cafe, and Pamela’s Pantry, which provides snacks to students.

Money will also be put toward the student holiday food baskets, which will include items such as non-perishable foods, store gift cards, gas cards, and cash to purchase food.

Both Pamela’s Pantry and the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday food baskets are accepting donations.  Details can be found on the DMACC Pioneers website for further information.

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