Pink Out week raises $2,300 toward cancer research

Pink Out week craft night – Photo courtesy Erin Smith

October 10 through 14 was Pink Out week on Ankeny campus. SAC encouraged people to wear pink every day. Throughout the week they had informational tables on every campus to help raise awareness, show support, and celebrate survivors. They also had information about Breast Cancer. Monday SAC started off by passing out cookies and pins, bags, and pamphlets. They passed out 250 cookies. 

On Tuesday SAC hosted a craft night on campus, it was breast cancer and Halloween-themed. Craft night had 70 to 75 students show up, the most they have had for craft night in a while. They ran out of their supplies and by the end of the night had a very good turn out. 

On Wednesday SAC sold t-shirts whose proceeds went to National Breast Cancer Research Foundation, which sold for $5 a piece and sold out in almost an hour. The Ankeny SAC had 230 shirts and raised $1,150 dollars, not including the other campuses. SAC voted on doubling that number and plans on donating $2,300. 

The Ankeny SAC and Boone SAC partnered up with the Boone volleyball team and wore the pink out shirts in honor of pink out week for their volleyball game against North East Community College which was on October 12. 

For next year they want it to be a whole community event and get all the campuses involved again when it comes to pink out week. They plan on adding more t-shirts to sell and making it more of a campus-wide event. 

Interview with Erin Smith, Student Activities Coordinator:

Q: What are your thoughts on how Pink Out week went?

A: I thought it went really well!  This was the first year we did a week of events instead of just one day.  I liked that we offered a few events and that people wore pink all week.  We also have been selling Pink Out shirts for several years so it was fun to see all the older shirts and sweatshirts that week!

Q: What are the future plans for Pink Out week next year?

A: That will be up to SAC next year!  I know the council has already been talking about what to do for a design and what to order and will try and finalize our logo, etc. at the end of the spring semester so they can order the shirts first thing in the fall.

Q: What was something unexpected for Pink Out week?

A: It was nice that each campus did a Pink Out week the same week!  There were a variety of events happening district-wide and again this was the first time we’ve all had the same Pink Out week.  I hope we continue to do that in the future.  We all also ordered the same shirts and so it was nice to see them district-wide.

Q: Have you seen a difference in Pink Out week from COVID to now?

A: During COVID was so hard because we couldn’t sell shirts and have the fundraiser.  This year we raised $1,150 and the SAC voted to match it and so we will be donating $2,300 to the National Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  This might be one the highest donations we’ve had!  So it’s nice to be back in person and offering a variety of activities during Pink Out Week.

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