Opinion: Men should not be afraid to ask for emotional help

In our society, violence and hate are seemingly as common as clouds in the sky.

Unchecked rage can lead to physical agression, including murder.

However, this does not seem to change media habits, nor is taught to our younger generations who suffer the most from violent acts.

While gender stereotypes are a plight upon women in American society, male stereotypes are just as common – and just as detrimental.

On Sept. 17, the body of the accomplished Iowa State University golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena was found in a pond near a golf course where she had been practicing before her daily classes.

A 22-year-old homeless man, Collin Richards, was charged in connection with her death.

This was an utter shock to me because I had previously trained him at my former part-time job.

A friend of his brought him in hoping he would apply for the job, and upon his hire I was directed to train him in various positions throughout the workplace.

He was always so quiet and shy, as if he didn’t want a personal connection with anyone.

Little did I know that if I could’ve somehow gained his accuaintance, I may have learned about his considerably troubled life and history with the law.

Events like these really propagate the fact that American society is anything but peaceful.

However, not all factors which lead to violence are unstoppable.

Many treacherous acts are committed by the male sex, but it doesn’t have to be like this forever. If we could come together and help change the egregious male standard that emotion should not be shown, we could perhaps be a little less distraught.

Taking a look at the immense number of mass shootings in American history, is it not a little strange that almost every single one has been perpetrated by a male?

We should be teaching young men that sharing anger and frustration through safe communication is not a feminine action, but rather a healthy one.

It makes no sense as to why men should feel obligated to present themself stoicly even when they feel passionate. Emotions are not a female trait, they are a human trait.

Though deaths like Celia’s happen so frequently, our actions of consequence are to introduce more security in surrounding areas.

Intention is a powerful tool, and if one intends to create an act of violence, security will be the least of their concerns.

Let us try focusing on reducing the thoughts of violence and sharing our emotions, as opposed to maintaining the status quo of bottling up and hiding feelings. Whilst I too am guilty of wearing the mask society perpetuates, my points are still relevant.

I truly hope Celia’s death will not be in vain. As my hometown of Ames continues to mourn, I plead to others who are feeling pent up or have violent thoughts to seek help with a trusted friend or acquaintance. A simple chat can save a life.

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