London Study Abroad

London Group Spring 2017

Every spring, DMACC offers study abroad in London.
Lauren Rice is the field coordinator for the trip, working on marketing the trip and working with AIFS, the company who sponsors the trip. However, last year, Rice was the faculty member who lead the trip, taught classes and went with them on field trips throughout the UK.
An average of 10-20 students usually go on this trip every year. Rice said, “The deadline to apply for the program is November 10. Scholarships are available, and the deadline to apply for them is November 3.” Lauren also pointed out that you can use your financial aid to help fund the trip.
The trip begins February 16 and you return April 14. Many students take a two-week prep course at the Ankeny Campus. Rice stated, “You usually fly with your classmates there and back, but you can opt to fly by yourself on your own dime.”
“You have to be enrolled full time, usually 4 classes/12 credits. British Life and Culture is a required class and is taught by a British instructor. Many of the other classes are ones that align with your major,” Rice said.
“Students will be living with host families. Two students live with each family and they’re usually in nice neighborhoods. They have full access to all the families kitchen, laundry, internet, etc. It’s more of a homestay setup.” So no hostels or sketchy hotels for those interested.
“Many field trips are built into the program. They visit Bath (Ancient Roman Baths), Stonehenge, Brighton, and many London field trips.” Rice also added that students will be able to go on, “bus tours and trips to the British Parliament, Library, and a ride on the London Eye.”
“Going to the UK is a really good option for someone who has never travelled before, because of the similarities in culture as well as language. Eight weeks is a good time frame to be gone because you get to experience the culture, while not being gone long enough to get extremely homesick. Londoners are incredibly nice. No real end to the surprises, always something new popping up,” Rice said.
If any problems arise on the trip, whatever the nature, student services provides lots of help and will accommodate the students in whatever way they can.
This came in handy earlier this year for junior Connor Simanski who studied abroad in London Spring 2017. Simanski had a former girlfriend who got all of her valuable items stolen, and had to make an emergency trip to the US Embassy.
Simanski said the group went to Scotland for a weekend, as well as Ireland for a few days, and Germany for 2-3 days.
Simanski gave out a couple tips for those who are planning on going on the trip: “Prepare for a lot of changes. Not many trash cans around, Tube can be packed sometimes and are usually fairly clean, restaurants don’t tip often and servers are often more tentative.”
Lauren Rice can be emailed at If any student has questions about the trip or any interest in going, go to to learn more.

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