Intramural sports at DMACC

This Fall DMACC intramurals are doing a ton of things including eSports and tournaments. Tournaments include the outdoor Soccer league, Flag football league, Indoor volleyball league, and full-court Basketball league. Other things going on are kickball tournaments, sandy volleyball, glow-in-the-dark volleyball, and many other things. DMACC intramurals are a great way to know people and to show off your skills in sports or to frankly just get your anger out and have fun. 

Intramural sports give you things to do in the afternoons and are a good way to learn how to manage time skills. If you want to sign up for intramural sports you can go to or go to and create an account. If you don’t have any people who would create a team, you can always make/log in and see if any other teams need a player and join their team. If you have any questions you can email

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