Inspired by teachers 30 years ago and today

I get inspired by people all the time, and live by the motto that Michael Jackson wrote “I’m starting with the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways, And no message could have been any clearer, If you wanna make the world a better place, Take a look at yourself, and then make a change.”

This inspiration is often driven by a teacher both back when I was a teenager and now that I’m a self-employed entrepreneur looking at my future.

Back in high school, I was most inspired by two of my teachers, McDonald and Penney. These teachers inspired me to go the direction of media, being a disc jockey and a journalist. The disc jockey work led me to start a company in high school that I just sold 30 years later that does hundreds of events such as weddings every year.

The journalism portion of things I took up a couple of years later and came to its crest about ten years ago when I purchased and started publishing Mobile Beat, the mobile DJ industry magazine I still run today. Thanks to the two of them for pushing me along and making a sky high school kid find his way. By the way, I still communicate with them via Facebook, and I saw Ms. McDonald for the first time a year or so ago, 20 years after seeing her last at my wedding.
And now let us get up to closer to current days with what has inspired me and brought me to DMACC over a year ago. As part of the DJ company we contracted with our local school district and manage their auditorium, handling everything from second graders singing to their parents to statewide choral competitions. During this time I have been inspired to become a teacher.

This inspiration comes at the hands of all the students that I got to interact with along with administrators and teachers in the school district. Names like Chizek, Justmann, Blum, Evans, Dixon, Reels, Weimers, Moore, Heitland, Poole, Watson, and Rankin mean a lot to me. These are the people that are encouraging me to go after my dream of teaching High School Business Ed and Journalism classes to the next generation that will one day run this world.

Why tell you this? Well because you need to latch on to a professor or two here at DMACC or your next college and let them get inside your brain and expand it, and hopefully they will inspire you to take those next steps into the real world!

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