Clubs looking for new members

The Horticulture Club volunteering on Iowa Nursery and Landscape Association Day of Service
Photo by: Jim Mason

There are nearly 50 clubs and organizations on DMACC’s Ankeny Campus this semester. The benefits of joining one are immense: make new friends, find a subject you’re passionate about, network with staff and faculty… It’s time to get involved. Here are a few clubs on campus that are looking for new members! Bonus: you might not have heard of them.

Fashion DECA: This club typically draws in fashion and interior design students, but anyone interested is welcome to join. Ann Gadbury (club advisor) explains, “We try and do some public awareness projects to educate others on fashion and the fashion industry.”

The club puts on an annual DMACC Fashion Gala. They work with non-profit’s like Dress for Success, Bubble Ball, and Dream Catchers. Plus they’ll be hosting a Thanksgiving party on Tuesday, November 21. Contact: Ann Gadbury (

Horticulture Club: Just last week the Horticulture club volunteered their landscaping services to On With Life. Most often, they are caring for plants in the greenhouse and maintaining the flower beds around building 4. They also have an annual plant sale, host a BBQ, and take a fall trip. This years trip brought them to Chicago where they explored Horticultural businesses, arboretums, and Soldier field.

Contact: Randall Vos (

STEM Club: Members Alex and Thierry met with me to share the Science Technology Engineering and Math club’s goal: to inspire students to pursue careers in STEM. They help with resumes, mock interviews, networking, and they have a secret project in the works!

Join their mailing list if you can’t make the meetings because they’re always looking for event volunteers. One of those events is the annual DMACC STEM Festival. Plus they volunteer with schools and organizations to promote early education in STEM. They have snacks! Contact: Thierry Habinshuti (

Marketing Club: The Marketing Club is most active during the fall semester and meets during a leadership development class. They participate in professional seminars, activities and social events. This year they took a trip to Minneapolis.

The club’s advisor, Neil Kokemuller, offers the club’s goals: “Giving students a community experience that expands upon their classroom education, creating networking opportunities and having fun!” Contact: Neil Kokemuller (

Phi Beta Lambda: PBL is one of the largest business organizations across U.S. college campuses. Club advisor, Reggie Sinha, shared the club objective: “to build leadership skills amongst students”. Most members are pursuing business, but Reggie suggests joining if you’re looking to strengthen your networking skills.

The club puts on seminars, hosts guest speakers, fundraises, visits company sites to learn and network, and they participate in competitive events at the state and national level. These events are great places to earn scholarships. PBL is also looking for officers, who solely run the group! Contact: Reggie Sinha ( ).

Communicate!:This is DMACC’s Speech club. Members partake in a little improv, games, and speech contests. They also have snacks! Joining allows students to earn honors credits for the National Communication Association and Iowa Communication Association. Put that on your resume! Contact: Julie Simanski (

Management Club: Advisor Elizabeth Crandon informed me that “the Management club is for any student who is interested in the fields of Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Supervision, Retail/Sales Management, or Project Management.” They’re very active in the fall, often hosting seminars related to Management/HR, general leadership, and professionalism. Contact: Elizabeth Crandon (

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