
Breaking Dawn Review Part 2 by Heidi Walters

November 28, 2012 at 10:37 am 0 comments

The end to a saga, and might I add an amazing end. “Breaking Dawn part two” is being called the best “Twilight” movie yet and I would have to agree. The writers and producers gave a good finish to the saga, and whether you are “Team Edward,” “Team Jacob,” orRead More

International Year seminar provides closer look at the U.K. By Ryan C. Meier

November 7, 2012 at 2:44 pm 0 comments

With DMACC being in the thick of registration, some students might consider signing up for International Year seminar. This year’s course is coordinated by Professor Jim Loos. “The course surveys various aspects of culture from the United Kingdom, such as: film, politics, music, British literature, art, history, photography, as wellRead More

Inside look of world wide muslim holiday by Yoliana Alrobei

November 7, 2012 at 11:05 am 0 comments

Seven current and former members of the military spoke to an audience at DMACC Tuesday, Nov. 8, as part of The Telling Project: Des Moines. “Telling: Des Moines” is part of a national theatrical effort called The Telling Project, Austin, Texas. The performance is a combination of a play andRead More