
A glimpse into the life of an RA

September 26, 2014 at 9:37 am 0 comments

Residence assistants are tolerated by some college students and appreciated by others. They are viewed differently at each of the three campus apartments. RAs are notorious for walking around busting parties, telling people to quiet down, and “ruin” everyone’s fun. They might be doing that, but an RA has otherRead More

College can mean fear, anxiety for new students

September 26, 2014 at 9:36 am 0 comments

Going to college for the first time can be scary: fear of people, fear of a new environment, even fear of failure. First year students Lai Pham and Mark Aaron say they fear people because they don’t know anyone. Aaron, who intends to transfer to Iowa state University to majorRead More

Dr. Linhart offers advice for studies in sociology

Dr. Linhart offers advice for studies in sociology

September 26, 2014 at 9:25 am 0 comments

Sociology is becoming a rapidly growing field in our society. Many people seek it as either a major or a minor as they begin to plot their course for their future careers. I had a chance to speak to one of our professors here at DMACC, Dr. Laurie J. Linhart,Read More

Ask Allison: How do I stay on track?

Ask Allison: How do I stay on track?

September 26, 2014 at 9:21 am 0 comments

Dear Allison, I’m starting college this semester for the first time. I’m taking five classes, and I also work 20-25 hours a week. I can’t seem to get a handle on when to get my homework done so I can get it in on time. I’ve already turned in twoRead More

100 things to do before you graduate from DMACC

100 things to do before you graduate from DMACC

May 2, 2014 at 11:03 am 0 comments

          DMACC Student’s Bucket List of 100 things to do before we graduate   1. Crash a party where you don’t know anyone and make a friend. You know those parties; the ones in Campus View, Prairie Pointe and Campus Town. Yeah, those ones. We knowRead More

Faculty share their "bucket list" for students

Faculty share their “bucket list” for students

May 2, 2014 at 10:26 am 0 comments

I wish students would… Reading the syllabus summarizes pretty much everything!! If a student would read our course syllabus and understand the course policy….. he/she would understand most of the following “bucket list” a) Do not cut classes. You will fall behind very quick. b) Don’t do your homework atRead More

Heather Richmond relaxes in between classes and taking care of her two sons.

Balancing school and parenting poses challenges

May 2, 2014 at 10:12 am 0 comments

Desiree Martinez is a 35- year- old Ankeny DMACC student who is currently minoring in photography with a major of fashion and design.  Martinez isn’t like most students; she is also married with six boys of her own to raise with her husband of six years. This is the lifeRead More

Men's basketball coach BJ McGinn finds success for DMACC

Men’s basketball coach BJ McGinn finds success for DMACC

May 2, 2014 at 10:01 am 0 comments

Barrett J McGinn the current DMACC men’s basketball head coach, has coached nearly his entire life. Growing up in Cedar Falls, Iowa, he played high school basketball for Cedar Falls High School. McGinn graduated from Cedar Falls, then started his coaching career at the age of 18 becoming an assistantRead More