Advice from a Trail Point novice

Photo by: Beth Lee

Did you know that if you take six credits or more you have access to free membership at Trail Point?

As a person who fits into this criteria, I decided to check it out.

Here’s what I learned: Signing up is shockingly easy.

I just walked up looking confused and was immediately handed a paper to look over and sign.

When I handed this back. the lady at the desk took my picture and suddenly I was a member. Yay!

There are lockers for your belongings in the locker room, but make sure to bring your own lock. Also, there are no bath towels provided, so as all good intergalactic hitchhikers know, never forget to bring your towel.

I was heartened by the signs proclaiming “No cell phone use allowed in the locker rooms.”

This means that no sneaky photos should be taken of me changing into my workout clothes and posted on the internet. Yay!

As a gym novice, the many shiny machines made me nervous. I opted instead for a few laps around the indoor track, because running in a large circle is fairly self explanatory.

I can imagine that this indoor track will come in handy during the winter months. After I had run my fill I grabbed some hand weights and pumped a little iron. No one laughed or pointed. I left with a feeling of tired accomplishment.

Two days later I decided to try the swimming facilities. After changing into my suit I wandered the corridors for a while looking for the door to the pool. No employees were about so I ended up having to go to the front desk.

Turns out there is a door to the pool from the lockers, so it was unnecessary for me to wander the halls partially clothed and unshod.

Oops. The pool was warm and clean and uncrowded. It was everything a pool should be and I am in love.

The showers were also good and hot. Remember to bring soap and the all important towel! Overall my foray into the free gym membership was an excellent one.

It will be easy for me to trot over after class and get a bit of a workout in, or just find someone to play a game of ping pong with. I also feel warm and fuzzy about how much my school seems to care about my health.

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