Second year student Maddie Endicott, from Grimes, and Candice Chick, first year, from Hartford work the Bistro host station.
If you are looking for a gourmet place to eat, you don’t have to look far. The Bistro of DMACC in Building 7 offers an array of cuisines from DMACC’s culinary arts students.
The DMACC Bistro is a full restaurant experience for aspiring chefs.
According to DMACC Culinary Arts Instructor Cristina Prine, “First year students are required to be a part of the wait staff, in their second year, the students then become chefs in the kitchen.”
Prine uses this strategy so that the students have a complete feel for what the restaurant business is like and it also builds empathy, comradery, and teamwork amongst the chefs and waiters.
“The chefs are all awesome and everybody on the staff is great,” said Josh Brady, a first year culinary arts student from Iowa Falls, Iowa who is currently a waiter at the Bistro. Brady also mentioned how helpful the chefs are at getting the waiters acquainted with the program and what to do. Brady aspires to open his own restaurant someday and he feels that the DMACC culinary arts program will get him there.
Another one of the students at the Bistro is Maddie Endicott from Grimes, Iowa. Endicott is in her third semester of school and splits time as a waitress and a chef.
“You learn something new every day with food. You are doing something you love besides being behind a desk all day,” said Endicott. Endicott’s true passions lie in the kitchen as she hopes to open her own bakery someday.
Cassie Spence is one of the chefs at the Bistro. Cassie is originally from Des Moines, Iowa. Cassie’s inspiration of the culinary arts came when she lived in New York for eight years and tried many of the cuisines that New York has to offer.
Her favorite part about cooking is going beyond casual foods and making gourmet meals. Cassie’s dream is to open up a dumpling restaurant in Des Moines.
The Bistro appeals to its guests with dim lighting, floor-to-ceiling windows, a spacious dining area, and a view that overlooks Ankeny Boulevard.
Prices for entrees are $10 a plate and dessert comes free of charge with the meal. The Bistro occasionally has a soup and salad buffet for $7 as well.
The Bistro’s lunch hours are Tuesday through Thursday from 11:15 to 1 p.m.
The Bistro has special dinner nights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 5 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
Reservations are required in order to get a table, no walk-ins. The number to set up a reservation is 515-964-6369.
The Bistro’s last week of operation for fall semester is November 17.
They will be having special “Thanksgiving themed” meals all week long. After that, the Bistro will not be open again until February.