Post Tagged with: "security"

Reactions to arming security

Reactions to arming security

May 2, 2019 at 8:17 am 0 comments

Editor-in-chief Sarah Bogaards interviews students in Building 5 about the decision to arm security on campus. Play in new window | Download

Audio: Students react to armed security decision

Audio: Students react to armed security decision

April 29, 2019 at 12:09 pm 0 comments

The DMACC Board of Directors approved a resolution allowing administration to pursue new security measures, including armed personnel, on March 11. Administration is currently developing a plan set to return to the board for approval in fall 2019. Provisions of the resolution include limiting armed officers to exterior and entranceRead More

Students weigh in on board's security decision

Students weigh in on board’s security decision

April 24, 2019 at 12:11 pm 0 comments

“What should DMACC do?” Vice President of Academic Affairs Scott Ocken posed this question to students on April 3 at an Ankeny campus SAC meeting to gather input on how the school should improve its on campus security measures. He told the room of about 20 students that DMACC administrationRead More

DMACC Board approves arming security

DMACC Board approves arming security

March 27, 2019 at 11:03 am 0 comments

The DMACC Board of Directors authorized administration to increase security on all six campuses, including the ability to hire armed personnel, during a March 11 meeting at the Newton campus. Following the board’s unanimous vote, a March 12 press release announced a plan to bring armed security to DMACC beginningRead More

Sarah Bogaards (editor)

Opinion: A case for arming DMACC security

November 28, 2018 at 12:20 pm 0 comments

One day during my junior year of high school, I was in Mr. Hammerand’s chemistry class when there was a lockdown drill. “We are in lockdown. We are in lockdown,” the secretary announced over the intercom. For the drill we sat behind lab tables for about 10 minutes. However, beforeRead More

Photo by: Bailey Perkins

Update: DMACC administration considers arming security

October 31, 2018 at 8:47 am 0 comments

The motion to arm security on campus, specifically in Buildings 5 and 9, has not moved forward yet, according to Jay Tiefenthaler, director of campus security at DMACC. “Currently we are still in the evaluation phase,” Tiefenthaler said about the proposal. He said he would like to see more studentRead More

DMACC security offer a variety of services

DMACC security offer a variety of services

September 19, 2018 at 1:06 pm 0 comments

In 2018, there have been 26 school shootings in the United States when including K-12 and higher education. That begs the question, “do you feel safe at school?” Many students might not be aware of all that DMACC security does to keep them safe on campus every day. Eight randomRead More