Post Tagged with: "Q&A"

Jared Jordison, come on down! DMACC student wins on Price is Right

Jared Jordison, come on down! DMACC student wins on Price is Right

November 28, 2018 at 12:14 pm 0 comments

  Q: How did this happen? We went on down to LA for spring break and one of the things we wanted to do, we are such big fans of “The Price is Right” and we always thought how cool would it be if I was on there. Once IRead More

Q&A: Iowa Culinary Institute Alumnus and "Chopped" contestant James Richards

Q&A: Iowa Culinary Institute Alumnus and “Chopped” contestant James Richards

October 31, 2018 at 8:43 am 0 comments

James Richards graduated from Iowa Culinary Institute in spring 2010. He was one of the few students who received a one-month scholarship to France upon graduation. Upon return, he moved to Las Vegas and began working at various restaurants. Most notably, he worked in Emeril Lagasse’s establishments, including Delmonico SteakhouseRead More

Ben Newell

Q&A with Honors program director Dr. Laurie Linhart

October 10, 2018 at 12:40 pm 0 comments

Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself? A: I have my master’s and PhD from Iowa State in sociology. This is the beginning of my 26th year of teaching college. The last six I have been full time here at DMACC. Before that, I was an adjunct at DrakeRead More

Q&A with Kyle McCord

Q&A with Kyle McCord

April 3, 2015 at 10:41 am 0 comments

What are some of your literary works that you will be showing at the festival? I just had a new book come out this year entitled You Are Indeed an Elk But This is Not the Forest You Were Born to Graze. It features haunted swanboats, starstruck rodeo servants, andRead More