Post Tagged with: "archives"

Volume III Issue 28 December 1974

December 1, 1974 at 12:57 pm 0 comments

AI Summary: The December 1974 issue of “The Eclectic”, the bi-monthly newspaper of Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC), covers student government upheaval, campus development projects, bookstore profits benefiting students, financial aid opportunities, sports, and campus security updates. The issue also includes controversies, opinion pieces, entertainment news, and an upcomingRead More

Volume III Issue 24 October 1974

October 1, 1974 at 1:04 pm 0 comments

AI Summary: The October 1974 issue of “The Eclectic”, the bi-monthly campus newspaper for Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC), provides in-depth coverage of student government developments, administrative projects, campus controversies, sports, entertainment, and student opinions. Campus Developments and AIDP Initiatives One of the major stories in this issue isRead More

(No Folio Information) September 1974

September 1, 1974 at 1:24 pm 0 comments

AI Summary: Student Government Elections and Constitutional Changes One of the main stories in this issue details changes to the Student Senate election process, influenced by a new constitution aimed at improving representation. In previous years, all senators were elected at-large, meaning there was no proportional representation for different programs.Read More

Volume III September 1974

September 1, 1974 at 12:21 pm 0 comments

AI Summary: The September 1974 edition of “The Eclectic”, a bi-monthly student newspaper from Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC), covers student government elections, campus events, and student concerns. The main story focuses on the upcoming Student Senate elections on October 4th, featuring presidential candidates Greg Snyder, Scott Hull, andRead More