Librarian Emma Adams poses in the library, located in Building 6. Photo by Katie Hirth.
A not-so-hidden gem of DMACC is the Academic Achievement Center (AAC). The AAC is where staff are on hand to assist students in anything they could be struggling with. The best part? It is free.
From math to writing, science, and speech, there will more than likely be someone there who can help you with your struggles. However, some subjects have certain hours that they are available. Make sure to check the schedule to see what is available. If you aren’t sure when you can visit, check the DMACC website for hours of availability. To access the AAC you just need your DMACC ID number and you can walk right in.
Krista Vanderlist is the Tutoring Project Coordinator. Vanderlist said, “What I really think is unique is that it has a study hall feel to it where sometimes there are students who come in and work independently, and other times there are groups of students working all together to figure things out.”
The general availability for Spring 2025 is Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Closed: Feb. 14, March 17-21. The AAC is in Building 6, Room 19.
Another resource that DMACC offers is the library. When most people think of a library, they just think of hundreds and hundreds of books. However, the DMACC library is more than that. From its massive 40,000 books (both printed and online versions), 200 subscriptions, and 2,000 videos, you are sure to find something for you. Whether it is just a fun read for yourself, or material needed to help you in a class the library is sure to have it.
Emma Adams is a librarian and notes the availability of individual and group study rooms.. Adams said, “These rooms are a quiet space to study that have whiteboards so you can write things out and are a great resource during midterms and finals week.”
Check the DMACC website to reserve the study rooms ahead of time, otherwise they are first come first serve. Library hours are 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday, Closed Saturday and Sunday. The Ankeny Library is in Building 6 in the media center.