
DMACC prepares for spring musical

DMACC prepares for spring musical

January 26, 2025 at 8:30 am 0 comments

As the spring semester begins at DMACC, the drama department is preparing for its next production, “Ride The Cyclone.” Carl Lindberg, the professor of theatre and acting, has been teaching full-time at the Ankeny campus since 2018. He is excited about this play and hopes many students attend. Lindberg statesRead More

Image courtesy DMACC Theatre

“Swindlers” wraps up the fall semester for DMACC theatre

November 25, 2024 at 11:36 am 0 comments

Over the weekends between November 15 and 24 in the Blackbox Theater, the DMACC Theatre program put on a production of “Swindlers: A True-ish Tall Tale.”  The play was written by Noah Diaz and was directed by Brittany Rebhuan. The story follows a girl named Marie who feeling stuck inRead More

Snapshot Reactions: The Election Results

Snapshot Reactions: The Election Results

November 11, 2024 at 12:37 pm 0 comments

By Taysia Bettis and Kasey Andrews Reactions – Were you surprised by the election results?  “It was a rough morning” – Lara Jones, 19, Campus Chronicle member “I wasn’t necessarily surprised, but I did have more hope than maybe I should. . .  Kamala came in so late in theRead More

Rivers Cuomo raises a guitar as Andrew Yang speaks in downtown Des Moines on Friday, Nov. 1.

Weezer plays for Yang supporters in Des Moines

November 8, 2019 at 10:55 am 0 comments

On the cold and rainy first of November, a crowd of 1,000 people gathered at Brenton Skating Plaza in Des Moines for what the “Yang Gang” titled Yangapalooza. Andrew Yang, along with many other Democratic presidential candidates, came to Iowa to campaign during the Liberty and Justice Celebration. Yang campaignedRead More

Beto O'Rourke intervied by IPTV's David Yepsen Sept. 21. Photo by Kaleb Schlatter.

Beto O’Rourke interviewed at DMACC

September 26, 2019 at 9:11 am 0 comments

DMACC hosted Democratic Presidential candidate and former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke on Saturday, Sept. 21 for an hour-long interview with Iowa Public Television in the Building 6 auditorium.  O’Rourke spoke about myriad controversial issues, but a few topics discussed at length included student debt, gun control policy, the climate crisis,Read More

Abby Buchanan

Opinion: Online media creates political echo chambers

April 1, 2019 at 11:20 am 0 comments

Whenever I discuss politics with my mothers we tend to run into trouble fully understanding each other’s perspectives. This trouble of bridging the gap between our politics has made me question how our understanding of the world could be so different while experiencing the same current events. Each of ourRead More

Opinion: An argument for legalizing recreational marijuana

Opinion: An argument for legalizing recreational marijuana

February 4, 2019 at 12:50 pm 0 comments

Over time, states have slowly begun decriminalizing, and even legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. What once was met with scare tactics and propaganda (e.g., “Reefer Madness,” 1936) has increasingly been perceived as a drug comparable to alcohol. The National Institute on Drug Abuse suggests that marijuana is the mostRead More

Ben Newell

Opinion: Technology can improve the voting process

November 28, 2018 at 12:34 pm 0 comments

Citizenship is to be valued and honored. American citizenship allows you the right to live and work in the country, and, most importantly, to participate in political life. As a citizen of the United States you are required to abide by laws set forth by the government and pay taxesRead More