
Image courtesy Canva

What “T” means to me

November 22, 2023 at 11:12 am Comments are Disabled

By Adam Livingston, Special to The Chronicle A four-hundred-milligram testosterone injection weekly. That is normal for me. Every Friday morning, when I get up, it’s the first thing I do besides maybe getting a cup of coffee.  I grab the syringes, the two sets of needles, and the small vile,Read More

Image courtesy Canva

So… how do you make friends again?

October 20, 2023 at 1:22 pm 0 comments

Childhood was the gateway to friendship; it was lined with paved roads that led you to people who had similar surface-level interests to you. You didn’t need to have the same political views or even the same tastes in style, all you needed were vaguely similar interests and you wouldRead More

Alek Jok

Opinion: Invest in your future self

October 11, 2023 at 12:39 pm 0 comments

I graduated from a Blue Ribbon private high school with a GPA above 3.5. I went on to a four-year university, under the guidance that it was my only option for a chance towards a successful future. My family and I immigrated to the United States when I was fourRead More

Drake Admissions Counselor Rachelle Setsodi and Lillyana Crist, 5 years old.

My path to Drake

May 16, 2023 at 10:07 am 1 comment

As a college student who was even surprised that I made it through community college, I was completely blown away by my acceptance letter from Drake University.   For some background, I didn’t have a great support system growing up. Coming from a dysfunctional background and childhood, it was never supposedRead More

Image courtesy Amazon

Review: The non-traditional planner that will change your life

May 4, 2023 at 6:59 am 0 comments

If you struggle with ADHD or depression or if you’re a student that is having a hard time juggling simple everyday tasks, run, don’t walk to get this planner. With the turn of all things digital in today’s society, physical copies of any type of book are usually overlooked.  ThisRead More

Photo illustration by Anastasia Crist

Corporal punishment: break the cycle

April 27, 2023 at 12:51 pm 0 comments

I’ll never understand the mentality of adults who believe you can teach a child not to hit, by hitting them or inflicting pain. That is just my personal battle with the concept. Most people know that hurting a child is wrong but some people need a reason for why it’sRead More

Anastasia Crist

Avatar 2: Worth the wait?

March 22, 2023 at 12:29 pm 0 comments

Ask me on any given day what my favorite movie is, and I am going to say “Avatar.” I’ve had that same response since 2009 when the movie was first released. I was fascinated by the potential for “real” avatar technology and I fell in love with a culture thatRead More

Maria Hernandez

Glass Onion Review

March 22, 2023 at 12:06 pm 0 comments

I never watch movies twice, like ever. And if I do, it’s usually years after I watched it the first time, never the next day. But there was one movie last year that changed that pattern for me, and I’ve seen it four times now. “Glass Onion” has been onRead More