
Attendance: Is it worth our time?

Attendance: Is it worth our time?

November 11, 2015 at 11:07 am 0 comments

Should attendance be a large portion of a class’s grade? Classes are starting to tie a student’s grade in with their attendance. But what effect does this have on the students? Did forcing children to go to class in high school make them learn the class? Of course not. InRead More



October 26, 2015 at 12:09 pm 0 comments
"Make It Work" Campaign Aims for Positive Change

“Make It Work” Campaign Aims for Positive Change

October 23, 2015 at 12:14 pm 0 comments

At one time in my life, I was single trying to support both of my daughters on my own. During this time I was unable to work, due to the fact I had been in several major car accidents while I had been pregnant with both of my girls. IRead More

Let's Celebrate The Real Heroes

Let’s Celebrate The Real Heroes

October 23, 2015 at 11:56 am 0 comments

Has the world’s idea of celebrating moral decency become to general? I mean; we now celebrate men who actually are a father to their kids and waitresses who pay for a meal in appreciation to those who serve their community. All the while these people claim not to want theRead More

Save The Planet, It's Our Only One!

Save The Planet, It’s Our Only One!

October 23, 2015 at 11:45 am 0 comments

You’re killing me. I’m also killing you. We’re killing each other. We’re killing our loved ones. We’re killing our home. We’re killing Earth. Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years, but how much longer can it deal with us? We have inhabited Earth for thousands of years. We startedRead More

College Survival Tips

College Survival Tips

October 12, 2015 at 11:28 am 0 comments

DMACC’s Classified School Survival Guide It is no secret that college can be intimidating. We go from the sweet comfort of our high schools, filled with familiar faces and established routines, to a world of chaos and independence where we are suddenly adults and no one is barking at youRead More

Columbus Day: Celebrating Ignorance

Columbus Day: Celebrating Ignorance

October 12, 2015 at 10:11 am 0 comments

A genocidal war monger, a lost sailor with no clue, founding father of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the man who “discovered the Americas.” Out of all those, which do you think is truth? In elementary school we were taught that Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean believing the earth wasRead More

Oh where did you go, Joe DiMaggio?

Oh where did you go, Joe DiMaggio?

September 30, 2015 at 11:24 am 0 comments

Why do sports teams get so much of our attention? Every year I cheer on my teams in hopes of a win in each game, and maybe the big game (most of the time they lose). Whether it be baseball, basketball, or football, I love watching sports. For most ofRead More