Articles by: Sarah Bogaards

Reactions to arming security

Reactions to arming security

May 2, 2019 at 8:17 am 0 comments

Editor-in-chief Sarah Bogaards interviews students in Building 5 about the decision to arm security on campus. Play in new window | Download

Audio: Students react to armed security decision

Audio: Students react to armed security decision

April 29, 2019 at 12:09 pm 0 comments

The DMACC Board of Directors approved a resolution allowing administration to pursue new security measures, including armed personnel, on March 11. Administration is currently developing a plan set to return to the board for approval in fall 2019. Provisions of the resolution include limiting armed officers to exterior and entranceRead More

Lucas Anderson of Davenport designed “Cyberpunk — Tech- nology to Take Over,” modeled by North High School student Lily Inthalangsy.

Designs from ‘A World Beyond’

April 24, 2019 at 2:44 pm 0 comments

Photos by Anthony Arroyo Candy wrappers, book pages, trash bags, coins — these are some of the materials students used in their non-traditional designs that were presented during the fifth annual DFI Fashion Gala titled “A World Beyond” on April 19 in Des Moines. More than 20 student designers wereRead More

Students weigh in on board's security decision

Students weigh in on board’s security decision

April 24, 2019 at 12:11 pm 0 comments

“What should DMACC do?” Vice President of Academic Affairs Scott Ocken posed this question to students on April 3 at an Ankeny campus SAC meeting to gather input on how the school should improve its on campus security measures. He told the room of about 20 students that DMACC administrationRead More

Sarah Bogaards (editor)

Opinion: In 2020, younger voters can’t afford to sit out

April 24, 2019 at 11:58 am 0 comments

In 2020 I will vote in my first presidential election ever as people my age are becoming a growing portion of eligible voters. According to Pew Research Center, almost twice as many Millennials voted in 2016 compared to 2008, and also voted more than Baby Boomers, though by less thanRead More

Photo by: Bailey Perkins

Harris campaign launches caucus training on DMACC campus

March 29, 2019 at 10:51 am 0 comments

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ campaign announced in a press release Thursday that five Iowa colleges, including DMACC in Ankeny, will hold trainings teaching students about the caucus process and how to get involved in caucus organizing. The trainings will take place from April 16-18 where students will hear from theRead More

Pixar's director of lighting speaks at ciWeek 2019

Pixar’s director of lighting speaks at ciWeek 2019

March 27, 2019 at 12:27 pm 0 comments

Danielle Feinberg works at Pixar, but when she’s successful, you might never notice. As the director of lighting and photography, the goal of her work is to keep viewers from noticing what she has done and keep them immersed in the film. With 19 years and counting at Pixar, FeinbergRead More

Sarah Bogaards (editor)

Opinion: Agreement on better mental health care for Iowa’s schools signals larger shift

March 27, 2019 at 12:05 pm 0 comments

Mental health is an issue which has long been subject to societal attitudes, and I’m glad to say I believe American society is at a turning point in its views of mental illnesses and those who live with them. Clifford Beers is credited with the first pointed effort to battleRead More