Articles by: Kennedy Ballinger

One of Professor Byrd's comics, which he wrote and lettered.

Professor Byrd talks mosh pits and comic books

October 20, 2023 at 12:20 pm 0 comments

You may have seen Professor Paul Byrd walking the halls of DMACC listening to heavy metal, teaching a variety of political science classes at the Ankeny Campus, or on the news occasionally giving his opinions on recent national affairs. Paul Byrd has been a professor at Des Moines Area CommunityRead More

Former NYC firefighter Joe Torrillo (image courtesy

Former NYC firefighter speaks about his experience on 9/11

October 9, 2023 at 11:19 am Comments are Disabled

On Sept. 26, Des Moines Area Community College hosted Joe Torrillo, a former New York City firefighter who was buried alive twice on September 11, 2001. Torrillo spoke to an overflowing room in Building 2, and many audience members were brought to tears during his story.    Torrillo opened his speechRead More