Articles by: Anthony Arroyo

Anthony Arroyo (Photo editor)

Opinion: #DoesDMACCLoveMe

March 27, 2019 at 12:09 pm 0 comments

On February 21, students from the University of Iowa started a movement on social media with the hashtag #DoesUIowaLoveMe. This movement started after the University of Iowa began a social media campaign to celebrate the 172nd birthday of the university using the hashtag #iloveUIOWA. The hashtag #DoesUIowaLoveMe was used byRead More

Anthony Arroyo (Photo editor)

Opinion: Don’t be scared of failure

October 31, 2018 at 8:39 am 0 comments

One issue I find in people my age is their perception of failure. Failing is bad, forbidden, and something we avoid at all costs. We do not want to fail as students, employees or in the relationships we make or are scared to make. People my age are so afraidRead More

A glimpse of Des Moines through a photographer's eyes: Anthony Arroyo

A glimpse of Des Moines through a photographer’s eyes: Anthony Arroyo

February 7, 2018 at 12:27 pm 0 comments
Halloween contest photos

Halloween contest photos

November 3, 2017 at 11:23 am 0 comments

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Photo by Anthony Arroyo

Defining DMACC

September 20, 2017 at 10:28 am 0 comments

What’s the best advice you can give? Tiffany: “You come first because you can’t really trust anyone else; you have to be there for yourself. You can’t rely on other people. You have to make sure you’re happy to be there for yourself. It is a lesson that took meRead More