Dean Stick weighs in on Grade Inflation

The topic of grade inflation has become very prevalent in today’s school climate. I got the chance to sit down with Jim Stick, the dean of arts and sciences here at DMACC and talk about this topic.

“When I was in school, the average GPA was around 2.3 to 2.4 range, when I graduated, it was around 2.7.” Stick attributes this rise in GPA average to grade inflation.

As many may know, Ivy League schools have reputations that precede them. The highest quality of students, the best teachers, and in theory, the best education. But as Dean Stick pointed out, that isn’t always the case.

“Ivy League school’s average GPA is around the A mark. But not all majors grade the same way. It is easier to get an A in say, a musical class if you have already mastered the skill, compared to a mechanical engineering course.”

“Students are often graded on academics, not necessarily the skills they have acquired.” Stick also went on to say, “DMACC shows the difference between big, four year colleges and the community college difference. DMACC accepts you regardless of your past history, and that makes the Community College GPA more complex.”

Stick believes that grade inflation is fine, but only if all students are graded the same. He added, “in some cases, students are often graded based upon what they have done previously, regardless on if they have made progress or not. Some students are typecast to a certain grade based on this style.”

“Earn what you earn. All students are ‘A’ students until proven otherwise.”

“Coach first, judge second,” he states. “Like in basketball, you aren’t going to judge someone for how they performed at the beginning of the season, but rather, how they performed at the end of it.”

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