Archive for February, 2019

After split with Liberal Arts, SEMSS moves to Building 9

After split with Liberal Arts, SEMSS moves to Building 9

February 4, 2019 at 12:38 pm 0 comments

When students step into the main entrance of Building 9, they may wonder if they are in the right place. Where vending machines and a glass display case stood last semester, students will now find renovated office spaces for the brand new sciences division. Plans were laid to make BuildingRead More

DMACC instructor aims to curb exploitation, abuse with "Platinum House"

DMACC instructor aims to curb exploitation, abuse with “Platinum House”

February 1, 2019 at 11:56 am 0 comments

Women entering the adult film industry are often vulnerable to predatory behavior and abuse from people who are referred to as agents or managers. These supervisors not only find potential shoots for the women, but often search for new recruits to introduce into the industry.  According to the documentary “HotRead More